
Hi Everyone! My name is Kate Pollard and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management through CQUniversity, based in Noosa. As part of my studies, I am taking part in a course entitled “Managing E-Learning” which explores the range of technologies available for implementation within learning environments in the 21st Century, and also focuses on equipping prospective teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills required to successfully implement these tools. My journal entries in this Blog will reflect my learning in this subject, as I begin to discover, experiment and become acquainted with new technologies. I can’t wait to share this journey with you all and hear your comments, as I begin to discover what this world of technology can offer!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Google Maps

I am reasonably familiar with the Google Maps online program. This program provides viewers with a bird’s eye view of any location. In the past, I have found Google Maps very successfully when trying to find directions, because the program allows the viewer to zoom in or out, depending on the detail required.
Within the classroom, I can see that this digital tool would be useful within the older year levels mainly, as I think it would be slightly confusing for the younger students. In saying this, older students could use this program as a medium for practicing mapping and directions within the Mathematics strand, and in this way, teachers could use this program in a variety of ways. I can see the possibilities for the use of this tool in the classroom, however for myself, with a younger year level of students, I can’t see cause for implementation in my specific classroom.


  1. Hi Kate, I am also reasonably familiar with the Google Maps online program. I thoroughly enjoy this resource, although I never saw the benefits of its use in the classroom until now!

    I do however believe that this tool could be used in the younger grades, as it easy fairly easy to use and understand. I have recently taught a lesson to my grade three class regarding navigation and Google Maps online would have been an excellent tool to use with them on the data projector.

    A suggestion I have for you, if you were interested in one day using this with a class you may have in the future is having the map open on the data projector and ruling a grid on the board that covers the map. This could then be used to teach the x and y-axis co-ordinates. The students would be able to follow along with the teacher as the teacher, perhaps, models how to locate, for example, the co-ordinates (3, 5). At this specific location could be, for example, a school. This activity could then continue locating or placing co-ordinates on the mapped area you have chosen to present.

    Just a suggestion! Let me know what you think!


  2. Thanks Anna! Those are some wonderful suggestions! After reading your comments, I can see a better application for this tool in the younger grades - thankyou :)

