
Hi Everyone! My name is Kate Pollard and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management through CQUniversity, based in Noosa. As part of my studies, I am taking part in a course entitled “Managing E-Learning” which explores the range of technologies available for implementation within learning environments in the 21st Century, and also focuses on equipping prospective teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills required to successfully implement these tools. My journal entries in this Blog will reflect my learning in this subject, as I begin to discover, experiment and become acquainted with new technologies. I can’t wait to share this journey with you all and hear your comments, as I begin to discover what this world of technology can offer!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Learning Management Systems (LMS) and RSS

I tried to explore creating my own Learning Management System today, but unfortunately there is a backlog and I couldn’t get any further with the system, however hopefully I will be able to experiment with this tool at a later date.
I have also set up my own RSS using Google Reader which allows me to be notified of any new Blog posts that the people I am “following” have created. I see great potential for this, and if anyone is trying to follow Blog posts, I would suggest you subscribe to Google Reader too, click here.
Within the classroom, I think Google Reader would be a good organisational tool for students with Blogs to use. Using this program, students will be automatically notified of new posts, which I think makes the posts much easier to follow! Upon implementing Blogs into the classroom, subscription to Google Reader, in my view, goes hand-in-hand.


  1. Hi Kate,

    I too had the problem with creating my own LMS.
    Anyway, thankyou for your great insight about how blogs and RSS go hand-in-hand. I hadn't really thought about that until reading your blog entry. Since reading that, I agree, I think if you're going to use blogs you would most certinaly incorporate the learning and using of an RSS.
    Although in our specialised area I do not know if I would use blogging or RSS with an early childhood class. I was wondering if you had thought of any areas it could be used in?


  2. Thankyou for your feedback Emily! Yes, I am not sure about using these tools with younger children, but possibly there are small ways we could still incorporate it?
