
Hi Everyone! My name is Kate Pollard and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management through CQUniversity, based in Noosa. As part of my studies, I am taking part in a course entitled “Managing E-Learning” which explores the range of technologies available for implementation within learning environments in the 21st Century, and also focuses on equipping prospective teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills required to successfully implement these tools. My journal entries in this Blog will reflect my learning in this subject, as I begin to discover, experiment and become acquainted with new technologies. I can’t wait to share this journey with you all and hear your comments, as I begin to discover what this world of technology can offer!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Creating my own Prezi was so much fun! Like PowerPoint, Prezi’s allow the creator to display information, but in an eye-catching, attractive way. Unlike some presentation software programs, Prezi has many features and is easy to use! To make your own Prezi, click here.

Although this form of tool, would be highly effective if implemented in the classroom, I don’t think I would feel comfortable incorporating this tool into an early childhood classroom, simply because I think it is too fancy and I think students in younger classes need simpler programs, in which they can create similar presentations, but in an easier, more direct way; such as using PowerPoint. However, in an older classroom, I think this program is fantastic! This program could be used for brainstorming sessions, in a similar way to a SmartBoard, where students can write their ideas onto the Prezi Canvas, and then come back later and add more detail!

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