
Hi Everyone! My name is Kate Pollard and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management through CQUniversity, based in Noosa. As part of my studies, I am taking part in a course entitled “Managing E-Learning” which explores the range of technologies available for implementation within learning environments in the 21st Century, and also focuses on equipping prospective teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills required to successfully implement these tools. My journal entries in this Blog will reflect my learning in this subject, as I begin to discover, experiment and become acquainted with new technologies. I can’t wait to share this journey with you all and hear your comments, as I begin to discover what this world of technology can offer!

Friday, July 23, 2010


Today I became a member of Wikispaces which is a similar program to blogspot.com. However, I found it an incrediably confusing program to use! Despite reading the instructions on “How to create your Wiki”, I still spent 45 minutes attempting to work out how to edit my page. I still have had no luck in working this out, and as a result, if you access my Wiki, at http://www.wikispaces.com/user/my/katepollard, all you will find is a blurb on my profile and that’s it. Whilst I was reading up, about Wiki’s before creating my own, I thought the idea of a Wiki sounded really appealing because Wiki’s seem to be such an effective way of communicating with other people. Others can join onto the Wiki and edit information. This tool would be excellent for collaborative exercises, where members of a group need to organise an activity. Having a group Wiki, would allow the group members to each go online at different times and edit information. However taking into consideration my personal experience in creating a Wiki, I would not implement this tool with primary students in the classroom. I think the technology is too complex and is not user-friendly, and basically, if I can’t work out how to use the program, I have no hope of helping my students to use it.

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